If you are wearing full safety-gear, gloves, etc, water running and inside it, will it be dangerous? NORMAL drill-bit instead of a diamond tipped one? Or do you REQUIRE a diamond drillbit to drill through glass?
Locked residential and industrial areas have knock boxes, which hokd a key or way of unlocking the gate. Police also have access codes to electronic gates etc. Part of the laws, which govern building the estate with automatic gates, dictate that police and emergency services have access in time of emergency. Otherwise, they dont allow for the automatic gates to residential areas to be installed.
If they have sufficient enough reason to the break down the gate.
In some cases, they have special access codes. If there is an attendant then obviously he/she would let them in. If there is no attendant and no special access arrangements, then they would have to decide whether or not to use forced entry. This would depend on the severity of the call.
If they get a 911 call then it is an emergency they can break the gate down if they have to.
I can't even begin to imagine your pain. Diapers? I didn't quite see a question in there.