i was wondering if i could put abec7 bearings in a wave board. has anyone done that? let me know!
ABSOLUTELY! I've been ridin' The Wave for a couple of years now, and I def switched over to better bearings once I was ready. You def want to make sure that you have mastered ridin' the board before you make the switch. I'm pretty sure that Street Surfing is going to start making upgrades available, but until then, go for it. Just be ready for the faster speed. If you haven't checked out their website I'd give it a look, some cool vids/pics there, even some 'how to' vids if you're looking for some tricks to do ( THEWAVE.COM ). Hope that helps you out, the answer to your question is YES! Upgrading the bearings is something that anyone can do to their wave board, I would actually suggest it for more experienced riders. See ya on the Streets!!!