A drop of (0.05 mL) of 12.0 M HCl is spread over a sheet of thin aluminum foilAssuming that all the acid dissolves through the foil, what will be the area in cm^2 of the hole produced? (Density of Al -2.70 g/cm^3; thickness of the foil 0.10 mm) 2Al(s) + 6HCl(aq) -gt; 2AlCl3(aq) + 3H2(g)
it was not an inside job A conspiracy of that magnitude would require tens of thousands of people being involved The CIA, FBI, passenger families that received phone calls from their family on the planes, NYPD, Congress, Senate, FAA etc etc No way the cover up would have lasted with that many people involved
I believe there was a 9/11 all these answers are not only putting themselves to shame but there as another answer said sullying the names of the people who died and there family's why on earth would the government do that to there COUNTRY its a stupid idea to think some one would think this happened on PURPOSE come on people risked there lives to help injured , to save lives and innocent people DIED because of this so called 'government scandal ' are you kidding me after all those people died one can still say this was a plot this is just ridiculous for one to believe was fakeIf the government really was behind this (which i doubt ) why would they let kids grow up without a mom or dad because they wanted to start an oil war?
Here's someone who knows what you're talking about, it's taken from an article by Paul Craig Roberts, the so called father of Reaganomics: The staying power of the Big Lie is the barrier through which the 9/11 Truth Movement is finding it difficult to breakThe assertion that the 9/11 Truth Movement consists of conspiracy theorists and crackpots is obviously untrueThe leaders of the movement are highly qualified professionals, such as demolition experts, physicists, structural architects, engineers, pilots, and former high officials in the governmentUnlike their critics parroting the government’s line, they know what they are talking about.-Paul Craig Roberts .It is likely that the calls you reference, as evidence, never even happened, as you would see if you investigated further, however, you probably won't as it is hard to revise what has become an embedded part of your reality, which is that 19 Muslims, working alone, armed with box cutters defied the might of the US for a couple of hours- which, if you think about it, really is a crazy conspiracy theoryIt is quite possible that there were hijackers involvedI don't knowThe one certainty about 9/11 was that the buildings went down by planned demolition, there is nobody with expertise left who argues otherwise, it is left to the public to parrot the initial story, just as it was left to the public to believe Iraq had something to do with 9/11, long after it was known they didn't.
0.05 ml 5 10^-5 L 5 10^-5 L 12.0 M 0.0006 moles of HCl 0.0006 mol HCl 2 mol Al / 6 mol HCl 0.0002 moles of Al that can be dissolved 0.0002 mol Al 26.98 g / 1 mol 0.005396 grams of Al 0.005396 g 1 cm^3 / 2.70 g 0.002 cm^3 0.10 mm 0.010 cm 0.002 cm^3 / 0.010 cm 0.2 cm^2
i am a 9.11 truthers, i believe flight 175 and flight 11 hit the wtci believe flight 77 and flight 93 were shot down, i believe a deadly gas was released on all 4 flights knocking out everybody on board, then remote control systems taking overI can not prove this, however i think this happened this way based on the northwoods documentI can however prove that the wtc was demolished, and no plane hit the pentagon, and advanced knowledgeedit: why do you think the muslims terrorists would allow anybody to make phone calls?