
Christian Metal?

SO what exactly is Christian Metal and what are some bands that perform christian metal?


No. If you want Metal Gear, buy a PS3. ______ If you honestly think Metal Gear is coming to the WIi, you're ignorant. But these are the same idiots who spread rumors about Halo, COD4, and others coming to the Wii. ______ @ lepord1234- That link you posted is a year old. ______ Oh and, for the person who asked the question... You're just as ignorant. You'll give best answer to whoever provides the first false link? Riight.
Nope, only on PS3 and will probably always be on PS3. (weird that the main character in the Metal Gear games was in a Nintendo exclusive game though [brawl])
it may be coming out. i will not doubt it. there has been many talks about this. just like rockband came out for wii later on.

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