hi i have just purchased some old copper pans and a coffee pot with a sugar bowl .Does anyone know how to clean the outside because they look tarnished .please help thanks
All you do is halve a lemon and sprinkle table salt on the cut side. Rub the lemon over the copper surface and bingo, a beautiful shiny surface emerges in no time! I couldn't believe my eyes. A lovely lemon smell, no mess and no nasty residue to rub off my hands or the kitchen sink. Best of all, when you're done, the lemon goes down the garbage disposal and freshens that up, too. This is how my Mom cleaned her copper but I do not think her copper had the lacquer finish on them..try on a little spot first. Hope this helps..
Try a product called Barkeepers Friend. At the Grocery store by the metal polishes and cleaners. It is the fastest way to make copper look new again.
Yes goldens absolutely right, brasso. What i usually do after cleaning copper or even alluminium appliances or work surfaces, is rub some baby oil on afterwards, to preserve the shine.
Ketchup!! No really, get a bottle of ketchup and smear it all over the copper, and let it sit overnight. Then rinse in hot water. Works amazingly well. I've had baked-on stuff on the bottom of a copper pot just flake off. As always, just in case, test this on a small part of each piece where it won't show, like the bottom of the coffee pot. I've never had it damage anything, but it never hurts to be sure.
just saw this on the HOW CLEAN IS YOUR HOUSE... wet it sprinkle salt all over it then get a lemon and clean clean clean then pour vinegar over it and let it sit for a few minutes wash it off and dry