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Fiber multimedia information box which generally put what things. Can you give a regular configuration list?

Computer installed before the last question asked, what is the great God to account for it?


This few with the E3 bar seconds I3 several street can take the I5 graphics card does not need to directly HD7770I3 with this card can not play the maximum performance of the graphics card
There are AC voltage file, 750 that file. Measured ground voltage, to be reliable grounding. Water pipes, heating pipes.
The set-top box behind the plug in the signal line re-inserted, if the connector is loose, open to re-organize the good, see whether the indoor signal line is damaged or poor quality of the phenomenon, there are still problems, call customer service call customer service door repair.
You that the electronic 4 is its resistance is not it has electricity your multimeter negative pole to the ground if there is iron the best point to the iron pole of your pole multimeter transferred to the exchange but this method is more dangerous it is best not to get

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