I want to install a solar panel on my car. I want to know that how much energy can be generated by a panel of size 4 foot by 6 foot. and the cost of installation.
A little more than 0 watts per square foot, so that size panel would generate 250 watts under ideal conditions, which is noon on a sunny but not too hot day, near the equator. That's about /3 horsepower, or the same power as a man working hard. That is larger than needed to keep the battery of the car charged, unless you plan to run a laptop or something off it at night. The power is also too small to power the car for driving. If it's an electric car, you could get maybe another 2 miles per day out of the car, again, under ideal conditions. An RV store might have an idea of how much installation would cost. They would be accustomed to solar panels for RV's, but probably not small cars. A panel of that size would cost perhaps $500-800 just for the panel.