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density of vehicles with different speed?

how to calculate the density of different kind of vehicles having different kind of speeds , like numbers of cars and number of buses on the road. finding density as a function of speed.


If you are really that paranoid I suggest you move under a rock ! The trace amout of radioactivity that a smoke detector puts out is equal to about 1 tooth x-ray every 5 years and that's only if you slept with it under your pillow !
It sounds like you still have a vacuum leak somewhere. If you have access to a vacuum guage, check the line running to the heater system. If you have one of those hand held vacuum pumps, put it on the line going to the heater, pump it up watch the guage for leaks.
No ghost are not real any one with an I.Q. over 75 knows that ghost are not real so your apartment can not be haunted.

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