these were used in space once, and i want to know what they were used for and how they were used and when was it devloped?
I think that you should just calm down. It seems as though you are mad they have pointed out and proven your negligence when it come to have a working smoke detector. How close are you to other condos? Are you at a distance where if you catch fire it won't affect other condos around you? I know it is your condo, but your negligence at keeping a working fire alarm in your home could affect the other condo owners around you if you were to have a fire and not know before its to late to control. And think about it I don't think the insurance company would really want to pay for anything if you aren't going to take any sort of preventative measures And for the spray do you really think they would spray something toxic into the air in your home that would hurt your health, No.
You own the unit, a company owns the building. If it says in the contract that you are responsible for maintaining the smoke detector, then you are indeed responsible for maintaining it. And it sounds like you have not done so. It probably also says that they will check the device once a year. If you don't want people nosing in your business, you should have bought a house.
You're wrong. The president of the condo has every right to verify if all smoke detectors are working because if a fire starts in your condo, the whole building could be in danger. I warn you, a judge will laugh at you if you take this to court. Just go to the Home Depot and be done with it. And the chemicals used in the smoke aerosols are totally harmless. Do yourself a favor and don't start a war with someone you call an *** over something so trivial
Gravity is NOT Electromagnetic pull. Gravity is NOT magnetism. Nobody knows what causes gravity. All we do know is that the more mass an object has, the stronger its gravity is; and that gravity is directly proportional to mass. And we know that gravity is not magnetism (or electromagnetism). .
First off, lighten up! Secondly, don't waste another second without getting the smoke detector fixed! It could save your life and/or your pets life. Its a cheap fix, so just bite the bullett and fix it! You'll waste more time and money while also becoming that guy if you try and fight this. Keep in mind your condo president is actually doing you a favor.your detector doesn't work, and you need a new one. Get over yourself, get it fixed, and try to enjoy the holidays.