i'm building a computer soon and i was unsure if the data/power cables come with the disc/hard drive or the motherboard or the psu.. HELP
IDE or SATA data cables come with the motherboard.
Yes! the cables are included with the products. Your Power Supply even comes with power cord.
Data cables usually come with the mother board.....if you buy on OEM hard drive and optical drive they don't come with cables. The PSU has all the power cables you need. IF you buy a good mother board you usually get two or more SATA cables you only need one for the hard drive and one for the optical drive....so you don't have to buy any other cables separately.
frequently the two dvd drives bypass on the comparable cable. determine you have your jumpers placing ultimate. {those little black issues that extra healthful onto the goldpins} next to the capacity plug. One would desire to be a grasp different the Slave. That different cable I element is going on your confusing rigidity.positioned your new dvd rigidity using fact the 1st one one the cable , using fact the grasp.overall performance of each rigidity come from each rigidity ntinually positioned the quickest working rigidity first. do no longer overlook to load the drivers for the recent dvd.
Power will mostly be handled by Power Supply cables but you may want to make sure you have enough for all the parts you are assembling. Lots of power supplies now have modular plugs meaning you only plug in the ones that you need to power the items in your system, helping to improve airflow and keep the build clean. Most motherboards will have some data cables. You have to look at the drives you purchase. If you buy OEM packages you will often only get the drive itself. If the site you buy from doesn't have a whats in the box pic or list of parts that come with it try checking the manufacturer site and see if they tell you what the part comes with. You can always buy data cables if you need them. Just use the internet to your advantage as you plan your build. Good luck!