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Do nokia 6600 got USB data cable?

I wanted to know, do Nokia 6600 got USB data cable? If it got, what type of Cable is it? I hope you can answer my question.Thank You.


a million. examine in the adventure that your ISP supplies you GPRS. Hutch and Airtel gives you. inspect if others supply on your section 2. activate the blue tooth on your cellular 3. activate the Blue tooth on your computing device. in the adventure that your computing device does not have a Blue tooth (BT) gadget, you ought to purchase @ Rs.a hundred and fifty.00 from the interior sight marketplace, run the CD which comes alongside with it and then insert the USB BT gadget interior the USB port and start up deducting for interior sight mobiles or instruments 4. as quickly because it relatively is deducted, pair it. 5. real click the cellular from the computing device and attempt to get entry to the cellular telephone`s information. you could replace %., musics etc between the telephone and the computing device. you're no longer related.
yes the regular USB to mini

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