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Do USAF security forces act like security guards in a bank? Do they stand around acting like guards?

What do they do? It's b/c after a while of working in a certain area in the AF, I was thinking if I can cross train if I get bored with a certain job.


Yes they do at times, and more often than not it is outside, not inside where it is either heated, or air conditioned.
I suppose if you consider ...guys in military uniforms with M-4's that know how to use them and aren't afraid (in fact eager) to put you on the ground if you screw around ...to be similar to a bank guard... then ya, they're a lot like bank guards.
No, actually they are more like civilian police than anything else. Yes, sometimes they have to guard high value items that fly in and out but for the most part you drive around, enforce laws, check security, etc.
It depends on your job. You could be guarding an ECP, in which case yes. You could be checking ID's at a gate. Some SF do law enforcement. Some just train to deploy, and then deploy. Some (like me) are missile cops. We kinda sit around and watch TV, do college courses, or practice our job until an alarm goes off. SF has so many different opportunities and so many different jobs you can do. I love being a cop.
u could be guarding a nuclear missile silo, u could be guarding a prison, or u could be in a police car driving around pulling people over on base for speeding. Its not like mall security, its more like police officers. U drive around and answer calls, breakup fights on base, ur basically a police officer for the base

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