I live in a 2br townhouse and I had a small kitchen fire which I might be liable for. Some of the kitchen was damaged and I told the management that I would take responsibility for it. But when the cammotion was over I remembered that the alarm did not go off until the entire apartment was engulfed in smoke. I called the fire department to check the smoke alarms but when they got here I realized that there were no smoke alarms on the entire first floor of the unit except at the stairway leading to the upstairs. Now I need to know if that was against the fire code and should there have been at least one fire alarm on the first floor closer to the kitchen or at least in the living room area. I want check into it before I accept full responsibility. Do you know if this unit was up to code or not?
ok, but first tell me where the closest toilet is.
No, the drive system is not involved and your suspension should take 40KM without problem, if it does it would show up as a shimmy or shake.
you can't wash the stink off of a liberal
Yes or just break out the fire hoses, which would insure they used them