I'll be the hose and you be the fire.
Sure you can. If you've got a gun with a muzzle speed of the escape velocity from the Earth (that's 26'000mph) plus some more to compensate for air friction. And if the bullet can take the heat that will be generated by friction. Now of course the problem is that guns will typically have nozzle speeds of 1'000 to 1'500mph, if that. So you'd need a very, very powerful gun. Not sure it is feasible (seems very unlikely). Now it you managed the trick, your bullet would be moving in space at a high speed, and so would clearly be lethal, and would easily pierce the hull of any space ship (just like many small meteorites do). a
yes you can fire a bullet in space, as the hammer hits the bullet it will still create the small explosion which will propell the bullet forward, the bullet will travel indefinately because there is no force acting on the bullet to slow it down. If you shoot someone in a spacesuit, then the suit will puncture, which would be fatal. If you have your own spaceship then try it!
the cartridge contains all the necessary ingredients for the chemical reaction of fire and compressed gasses to propell a bullet or projectile from the barrel into any object within range. In the condition of outer space, it won't take much to penetrate a space suit and cause harm to the being being struck.
A little old lady in a white Civic. At the moment of impact, there was actually no distance between us. And it was her fault.
adriantheace has it about right. Most explosives contain their own oxygen so the absence of air in space is not an issue. When you fire the gun the the bullet comes out at speed and you will go backward slowly (conservation of momentum will mean this is set by massbullet x velocitybullet masshuman x velocity human) The bullet will continue on for ever (almost) since their is no friction unless it hits a planet, moon or black hole! And because there is no turbulence or cross winds you can kill people at 10km if you have good enough sights. The bullet will kill you in just the same way as on earth and if you are lucky enough for it to hit a non leathal part of your body it will puncture your space suit which will depresurise and your blood will boil and you will die horribly Urgh So guns are just as nasty in space as on earth.