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Do youthink a couple of suspensions would hurt hurt my chances of getting in a community college?

The first time I got suspended was when I skipped my detention and extra school. I got the detention after forgetting to wear my ID. That suspension was 1 day. I got suspended 2 days for inappropriate behavior and comments. Do you think I still have a chance of getting into a community college? Sources?


Getting into any college is based on grades and recommendations from teachers. Our class president was suspended, but he still got into college.
of course just about all of the community colleges allow anybody to join. i am in rockland community college they do not even require a high school diploma. all you have to do is pay the tuition and books.point blank no it doesnt matter they will let you in
No. The community college system where I grew up (New Jersey) guaranteed admissions as long as the person has a High School Diploma or equivalent. Look at the admissions page on the cc's website. They should have more information for you. Also, I don't think suspensions appear on you High School Transcripts, just classes, grades, and grade-point average. Your student file doesn't go to the college.

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