question above, just wondering because ill be more then happy to take what they dont want :) thanks
speckles,shamrock,shimmers,(those are my hermit crabs names) some more could be 1.cherio 2.benny 3.peaches 4.sage i dont know if these names work for you but i think theyre cute.i come up with my hermit crabs names by their shell or the way their body looks. my hermit crab speckles was named for his speckled body.shimmers was named for her shimmery shell. shamrock was named for her green shell. hope these ideas help :)
Hot air balloons work by creating a differential in density of air between that inside the balloon and out side the balloon. Air inside is heated and becomes less dense. The difference in density applied across the volume of the balloon is the buoyant force that lifts the balloon. If balloons are launched in early morning when the air is cool and calm it is easier to obtain a delta in air density. In other words its easier to fly a balloon with less heat when the air is cooler. Using solar certainly could warm the balloon for example using black Mylar to absorb sunlight and generate heat. The use of mirrors or other colector would add weight to the balloon negating the gain or ground based reflectors would limit operational area BUT solar gains that are heating the balloon are also heating the surrounding air. Heating the surrounding air negates buoyancy of the balloon. You may find that this decrease in buoyancy negates the practicality of a Solar Balloon to anything other than a toy application. Finally a Solar balloon lacks the controlability its gas fired counterpart has. How do you control or modulate the heat gain of a solar balloon to control rate of climb/decent ? It is bay far easier to modulate a gas fire .