Everytime we leave the bedroom light on for too long ( say 30 minutes or more ), I open the door to the faint smell of something that resembles burning rubber and it gives me a headache. Is my wiring burning, the ceiling fan going bad or what?
Hey, at least you are smart enough to think that it might be the wiring. If I were you, I'd either check it out myself or get an electrician in to take a look. You don't want to think what you should have done after your house burns down.
Burning rubber is insulation,and something is overheating. You definately have a potential fire hazard there if the wires short out. If you don't know what to look for, call an electrician. I wouldn't wait on that one though. -Dio
You may have too large (wattage) of a bulb that is causing an overheating problem. It could be that the fixture is old and needs to be relaced. The most likely problem is a loose connection of one of the wires at the light. This causes a high-resistance at that spot and generates a lot of heat (like the wires inside your toaster). You should take the light fixture down and look at the wires to see if there is any melting or discoloration of the insulation. If the insulation is stiff or brittle, the light and/or wires needed to be replaced. This situation is a potential fire hazard and should be dealt with right away. Get help if needed and do not use the light it until you have resolved the problem. Good luck!!
Seems to indicate some faulty wiring. An electrician should be able to do a resistance check on that circuit. There is an outside chance that it is the heat from the lamp. Replace it with an energy saver lamp as these run cooler.
I wouldn't use that until you get it checked out. You're asking for a file. If the light is in a fixture, check the bulb and make sure it's not improperly set and perhaps resting against plastic or whatever the shade is (if not glass). If it is, just straighten it out, and try again. Otherwise, it sounds like you should get an electrician in to check it out (or tell your landlord if you rent). Electricity + burning smells not good.