Home > categories > Security & Protection > Heat Detector > does fire alarms have carbon dioxcide detectors in them. and do water heaters have carbon dioxcide in them and?

does fire alarms have carbon dioxcide detectors in them. and do water heaters have carbon dioxcide in them and?

does fire alarms have carbon dioxide detectors in them. and do water heaters have carbon dioxide in them and how could carbon dioxide get in the house


You could get a dog. A real big mean one.
Take this into account: You employer doesn't want you coughing your germs all over the other employees. So forget the policy for now and just call in sick. The feeling about you being on the job is mutual.
If you don't want to pay a monthly fee to a security alarm company such as Brinks, etc., you can install one yourself.If you look at the Lowe's web site there is a product there that allows you to monitor the status of your home remotely. I don't know how good it is, but it's worth looking into. Also at Home Depot, you have other security systems available that you could check into. Good Luck.

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