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Does using a tablet to use the internet with WiFi use less data GB than using a notebook connected to a modem with a cable?

.for a high speed DSL limited Data use plan, or does using wifi use the same amount of data?This question is in relation to an ATamp;T high speed DSL limited Data use plan, or does using wifi use the same amount of data?


In theory it should be exactly the same. In practice, many websites now give different content depending on the device (and user), so if the tablet is identified as a mobile device, it may get smaller pages and use less data than the notebook.
Yes and NO No,In theory, it is the same data usage because data transmission like downloading cannot be compressed/reduced. Yes,In practical, in web browsing over some sites, they use responsive web design (RWD) which is s an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices.

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