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During the formation of a star, two reactions take place.?

Compare the energy given off per gram of reactant for each of these processes:(A) deuterium (2.01355) fuses with a hydrogen nucleus (1.00728) to produce helium-3 (3.01550)(B) two helium-3 (3.01550) atoms combine to form an alpha particle (4.00150) and two protons (1.00728).I'm not really sure how to go about doing this, I know you are supposed to use the formula emc^2 but I really dont know from there. And i found these answers but idk if they are right and i cant get them. a) E 1.59 x 108 kJ b) E 1.34 x 109 kJ Please explain


The mass you use in Emc^2 is the difference in mass between the fused atom and it's components. For example in (A) your mass (that is converted to energy) is 3.01550 - (2.01355+1.00728) 0 If you want to know why then look up mass defect

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