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emachine power cable not making connection?

If I put pressure on the cord I have power but its almost impossable to work. A local computer repair said I have to replace the mother board. Can't the plug in the back be replaced? Thanks!


the local repair shop said what ?? take the power cord to the repair shop and hang the idiot with it , who told you this with out seeing your pc i am not sure if it's the cord or the powerpack , worse case the power pack is bad and needs replaced a 10 minute job
try another power lead, check all your connections, having failed that buy another power supply, work with cheapest options 1st
Your local PC repair shop must be run by mildly retarded individuals...a loose power cable has nothing to do with your motherboard. You can try getting a new plug...if that doesn't work I might try replacing the power supply... LOL dr.bucksnort....I love it...nice one
most likely your power supply is going bad

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