I just moved to a new apartment and fortunately was able to bring my two dogs with meOne is a 1 1/2 year old Boxer, and the other is a 7 year old ChihuahuaUnfortunately for the dogs we're on the third floor and it's a pain taking them outside every time they need to do their businessI purchased a Potty Patch but they won't use it! The pee and poo around it or nowhere near it! I sit them on it, I tell them quot;no,quot; firmly not mean, when they go somewhere else and then put them on the patch, an dI even resorted to using one of the Boxer's urine soaked paper towels as an enticerI placed the paper towel under the layers of the patch but neither will use itAre there any sprays, or training tips to make my dogs use the patch and stop soiling my carpet?!?! Thank you!
This is to broad, are you using it in an attic, car, boat, or your hunting cap?
I live in a condo in Miami on the 16th floor It is a pain to wait on the elevator, my yorkie sometimes would pee once I left out of my door and I have gotten in trouble for thatI use the potty patch but put in on my balcony so my house wont smell like peeIt actually was the best thing I invested inWHen my dog had a ccident I would put a little bit of his poop on the potty patch and continue to take him out thereI always walk him also but it is great if I come home from a long day of work or rainy daysJust put a little poop on it and see if that will workGood LUck!!!