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Escort Radar Detector question?

Hi guys I'm planning on purchasing a Escort Solo S3 Radar detector Since i'm into cordless detectors. My question is, will the heat damage it? It gets pretty hot here but it never gets cold. And just out of curiosity how do you guys with radar detectors prevent thieves from breaking into your windows to steal your radar detectors? THANK YOU!


first I would have the alignment checked. Thwy will tell you if the suspension needs repair. Next, put your weight on the front frnder and push down . If the car goes down and up and stops you are probably ok. But if it continues to bounce you probably needs shocks. Hope this helps.
basically, safety depends on the things that would be affecting the human. So you would want hearing protection if its going to be loud, eye protection if there's going to be ocular hazards such as lasers or metal debris flying around, steel toes if there's going to be heavy stuff moving around etc. These are all preventative measures. There would also need to be corrective measures; again depends on what is going on in the lab. Eye wash station, first aid kit, anti-venom kit, etc.
Studs and shock do wear out. Let me they you what a stud is. It is a coil spring and shock is the inner housing. Some of the the shocks can be replaced. The housing and coil are reused. The rear's are usually shocks and the coil is mounted around it. Other have rea studs. The job of the shock or what ever they call have the same job. It is to keep the tire in contrack with the road. If you are getting the steering wheel to shake as you put it. the front studs are wear out. Only the coil spring are doing their job. Studs are danagous to rebuild or replace without the proper tools. The stud are bottoning out because they are weak. The shaking is the coil doing their job and the shocks in the studs are not doing their job. This will cause the front of the vehicle to go downn more than it post to. It give you less control under braking. Floating will come in at high speed. The car will lift up higher in the air. It is a very solf ride to most. The only thing to fix the studs is to replace the shocks in them. Yes, some the of the studs the shock can be replace. And some you hap to replace the stud and re-use the coil springs. The coil do not need to be replaced in most casues. I have only needed to replace one set of coils, because they were damagous because the shocks in the studs were no replaced in time.

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