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getting ready for new roof,shingles or metal?

I have 25 year old shingles now and ready for new roof.I've been talking with people that say metal is the best way to go it can be put right over the shingles and it last lifetime.I'm leaning toward metal right now but want to hear from others that have metal or roofers that do metal and shingle.I'm looking at the blue metal and wondering how long the color will last before fading.Also wondering about price difference I know metal is higher price but not sure how much more.my roof is 60ft.long and 28ft wide around 1600 sq ft. Thanks to anyone with info for me..


RAM is basically how much things you can have up on your computer. Try uninstalling your OS (operating system) and buying another one(about $200).
You need a kind technician nearby.
Virtual Memory is space allocated on your hard drive for those times that your physical memory (RAM) is not enough. To increase the amount of virtual memory go to Control Panel System Advanced Performance Settings Advanced Virtual Memory Change Custom Size adjust as needed. 2 times your physical RAM is a good minimum and 3 times your physical memory in MB is good for your maximum. But, the best solution is to buy an additional stick of RAM, and install it which will increase the amount of physical memory on your computer. RAM is dirt cheap these days and your computers performance will increase substantionally with the additional memory.
Of course its. what use is to place a lightning rod there, If every theist inside are wearing Tinfoil hats

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