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find news item on wmctv.com about lock bumping?

need to learn about good locks preventing lock bumping as wmctv. had on its news


By carbon do you mean Carbon Monoxide detector? If so, its possible that you have a level of CO in your basement from the furnace that is strong enough to set off the detector, but not yet strong enough to make you sick. If this is the case, it is a serious problem and you should have it investigated. Most gas companies will come out and test your CO level for free. I recommend you have that done before you do anything else. Then, if there is no CO found, you can try blowing air on the sensors of the detectors to clear out accumulated dust that could be affecting their ability to read correctly. If you can tell that one of the detectors is the one that makes the initial detection, then perhaps replace that one unit and see if the situation improves. Good luck! by the way, the guys that are suggesting battery changes probably mean the back up batteries for when the main electrical system is down. its possible that a low battery condition would trigger a regular alarm in a weak design, but its more common for them to make a beeping sound at an interval to signal that its the battery that needs attention rather than a false alarm.
yes i have had many parrots and bird before and its totally ok . this sounds weird but if you talk or whisper quietly to the bird and move slowly with the gloves on and hold him even when he is wrestless he will become very tame with you over time. they just have to get to know you and their new home. but yes gloves are a good idea. and i would recomend a soft blanket to hold him in. it will make him feel more confortable.

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