Hi. What are some good foods that are rich in iron? Thanks!
Foods that are a good source of iron include: liver lean red meats, including beef, pork, lamb seafood, such as oysters, clams, tuna, salmon, and shrimp, etc. beans, including kidney, lima, navy, black, pinto, soy beans, and lentils iron fortified whole grains, including cereals, breads, rice, and pasta greens, including collard greens, kale, mustard greens, spinach, and turnip greens tofu vegetables, including broccoli, swiss chard, asparagus, parsley, watercress, brussel sprouts chicken and turkey blackstrap molasses nuts egg yolks dried fruits, such as raisins, prunes, dates and apricots Check food labels to find foods fortified with iron, including: Instant Oatmeal Ready-to-eat Cereals, such as Total, Product 19, Raisin Bran Grits Iron Kids Bread Carnation Instant Breakfast Mix Pasta
Unfortunately the ABS readers are inside the wheel bearings on your car. If you're lucky, the electrical plug-in may be disconnected on the back side of the wheel bearings.
You have an intermittent connection in the wheel speed sensor wiring harness. Replace it
Im iron deficiency anemic, so i know how you feel. here ya go! Clams Pork Liver Oysters Chicken Liver Mussels Beef Liver Beef Shrimp Sardines Turkey Enriched breakfast cereals Cooked beans and lentils Pumpkin seeds Blackstrap Molasses Canned beans Baked potato with skin Enriched pasta Canned asparagus
Lettuce has a bit or iron. Dark green is best when it comes to vegies. You dont have to just rely on veg though. Eggs, wholemeal bread, fortified cereals, pastas and rices. Red meat, especially liver if you like it. White meat, fish, shellfish is brilliant, nuts and dried apricots. Nearly everything has iron in it but these are among the best. Watch out though because many of these foods are high in cholesterol. You'll be alright short term though. The main aim is to get your iron levels up. Just a couple of tips that will be relevant whether you do it all by diet, or end up taking iron supplements. Sometimes things we eat and drink can block iron absorption. Dont drink tea an hour before and after a meal. The tannins will block iron. Same with milk products. Dont have them around meal time because calcium also blocks iron. Have a glass of orange juice with your meal, or meals with loads of tomato like pasta sauces etc are great. Vitamin C almost doubles your iron absorption. One more thing. Iron comes out in your sweat so stay cool.