I'm writing an english paper. topic is based on freedom of press and what restrictions should be placed on freedom of press. this is an argument essay and there needs to be reason and examples and ideas to back up the argument.these are my three reasons. ( if you would like to share more reason, that would be awesome! )?national security?child pornagraphy [ ? ]?nick berg beheaded by terrorist video I need one more reason...I can't think of any :#92;HELP!any ideas for things that should be restricted when it comes to freedom of press? and please include some sort of example with the reason?thanks!10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER
failure of the press to tell the full story,
Check out this link. You can read the whole thing, but I think the answer you are looking for can be found in the pro column under the argument section.
There's a few things that resctrict the freedom of the press already, including those things you're talking about. (those things are censors concerning gore and porn, and the government for national security concerns) Things I would love to see, however, would be things like the press being forced to respect a private individual's life if they so desire to be left alone. Movie stars and other celebs should not be hounded and chased everywhere they go by the media unless they've given permission for that day and if anyone gets too freaking pushy they should have the right to say that's enough - I want that guy gone. or be able to say that's enough, you're all gone. and have their wishes enforced by the law. I do not want another Princess Di style accident happening - it sucks that no one has these rights as a private individual.