I just got a front loading washing machine. I know I need to get High efficiency laundry detergent, but is there also a high eff. fabric softener or do I even need to use softener? Thanks!
I have a front-loading GE washer. I just use the regular liquid detergent, but I only use about 1/3 as much. It works fine. I'm sure it would be the same with the fabric softener.
I just use the ALL with stain lifter 3x concentrate. I only use about 1-1 1/2 tsp (1/2TBSP) and I end up running out of my Bounce 180 count fabric sheets before I run out of the 32 load detergent. As for fabric softener, you can use the standard kind but only use 1/4 of what you would in the top loader as it remains more concentrated due to the fact that the machine only uses about 1/4 of the amount of water as a top loader does (same goes for any liquid detergent you may use). Avoid using powdered detergents as they will clog up the tubes that take it to the drum and that is a whole other mess is itself. I typically just pour 1/4 cup white vinegar into the fabric softener space though as it softens, disinfects and deodorizes the laundry very well for much less than the fabric softener. Just remember to leave the door cracked open when not in use to avoid that musty smell and the growth of mold.
I have a front loading one, i use fabric conditioner and it works brilliantly, the new orange comfort, i do tend to go a bit over board with how much i use tho, just love the smell.
I love softener in my wash. I use it but I cut it in half. The new H.E. washers use much less water so you don't need much softener. I've not had any problems doing it this way.