I don't use to listen metal because i think it's too loud, but there are some bands i like only the guitar, others i like only the voice, i want to find the perfect metal band for my taste...Some clues:I don't like the shredding death metal guitars, i rather like palm mute riffs..I don't like blast beat drumsI DON'T like pig squeels
There are arguments on both sides, I personally know 2 people who have been injured by bats, one metal, one wood. In the case of the wooden bat, the batter hit the ball on an inside pitch, breaking the bat into splinters which caught the pitcher in the head. He needed 34 stitches. In the case of the metal bat, a batted ball was hit foul and struck a player in the dugout (didn't have fences) on the elbow and broke it. My opinion is that Metal bats should be allowed for ages under 16. In leagues 16 - 18 (Sr. Babe Ruth, High School, American Legion) it should be the league's decision. Any league 18+ (when most men are hitting their physical peaks) should be required to use wooden bats. I think also that the on-deck batter's circle should be protected by a fence.
Metal bat hands down. A metal bat has a lot more pop and travels farther than a wooden bat. That's why they use wooden bats in the pros.
metal bats hit further because they are lighter and you can swing them fast and they are hollow so when the ball hits the barrel of the bat caves in then trampolines the ball. wood bats just put better back spin on the ball and make it float in the air longer
I love some of these answers. Great laughs. An aluminum bat will hit the ball farther BECAUSE, of the speed the ball comes off of the bat. Aluminum bats are also said to have a larger 'sweet spot' than a wood bat has. This is why they use aluminum at the lower levels of play. For someone learning how to play the game, you dont have to hit the ball solid to make it go farther. Anyone who has played at higher level or pitched at higher levels can confirm this. You can jam someone with a wood bat, and the bat breaks or the ball does not go very far. With an aluminum bat, it will still travel because of the way the bats are made. Aluminum bats are made to give the ball more 'pop'. Some aluminum bats have inserts and others have compressed air. This is what gives the bat more pop. Theres always some company coming out with a bat that has a larger sweet spot or a better core to the bat. But what it will come down to is bat speed. You have to swing a wooden bat alot faster and have better technique to have a solid hit. You can lack in both of these with a aluminum bat because the way the bat is made makes up the difference.
Metal bats make the ball travel farther, because the metal has more pop than wood. That's why they don't use metal in the pros, because then they'd hit the ball way too hard and hurt people.