I ride western and I'm looking for a new saddle padI got one that was pretty cheap since I couldn't really afford the good stuff since I just got my horseBut now I can, and she gets saddle sores from the one now and I hate thatAre there any saddle pads that can be used for multi-purposes? I like to go on trail rides a LOT and I also love running the barrels.a LOTlol So I don't want to buy two expensive pads, ya know? Any pads you guys got that were good? I feel so bad for my baby and I don't want her to have anymore sores):
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The saddle pads are not what causes the sores, they are called saddle sores because that is what causes them, the saddle does not fit properly and it does not matter what pad you use she is still going to get saddle sores, or at the least sore spots where the saddle rubs her.