My hamster used to run crazy in his wheel every night when he wakes up ,but he doesn‘t anymore. So i tried putting him in his wheel and he ran like he usually does. The next few days he just gets on his wheel and do nothing. Does this means he forgets he has a wheel? what do i do?
This is an interesting question, and one that has intrigued me for many years.
interior the wild hamsters could commute as much as eight miles a night on those little legs of theirs in seek of nutrition, so hamsters that are domesticated are in basic terms enjoying out an instinct it is outfitted into them. yet sure, your acceptable, you may think of that they could understand they are no longer getting everywhere speedy! Hamsters diets might properly be extremely extreme in fat to as they love sunflower seeds, hazlenuts, monkey nuts etc, and being in a cage all day might reason obesity in hamsters so its certainly a manner for them to kep healthful too. Me and my husband have had our male hamster a 300 and sixty 5 days, and he isn't any ones fool. He has never performed on his wheel the full time we've had him, so we'd desire to make useful he comes out of the cage a minimum of an hour daily to workout.
Some hamster as they get older just get bored of the wheel, make sure you have a pen or a hammy proofed room for him to play in aswell, try taking the wheel out for a bit and placing it back in, I prefer the disks they hop onto and run as it's more natural for them and doesn't pose the risk of harming their backs (pet store wheels are often too small for an adult hamster)
Firstly: Make sure your Wheel has no bars in it, it is thorough plastic / whatever material it is , to avoid injury to the legs. How old is he? My previous hamsters will not use their wheel as much as they grow older. Make sure he has lots of water to keep him hydrated. This can be a severe cause of lack of strength. (been there, done that)