Me and my boyfriend where talking at work about something my supervisor did we both where using profanity but its wasn't directly to her. Can she file a harassment suit on me.
it is very important to keep your safe,we should choose suitable gloves,glasses,boots.of course,the brand represents a quality.the cost about 110 dollars.
It depends on the state, the area, etc. For example, what if a person works second shift and needed to sleep during the day. The reality is that most states have laws limiting alarms. They can only stay on for a short period of time, like 1 minute for a car. Buildings get longer time. But after the first alarm, you start getting bills for several hundred dollars for each false alarm. Alarms come with a timer, so set it shorter. You don't need 15 minutes. Any thief will leave in the first 5 seconds of the alarm going off, under the assumption the owner will be there shortly. You do not have the legal right to have a loud alarm go off any way you want. You have to follow the laws of your state.
he will put a bomb,slash your tires,key your car and even kill you, ive heard some serious stories so just becareful my friend.