Has anybody called the police when theyve heard a car alarm go off?
My neighbors parked one of their cars under my livingroom window, they were out of town and the alarm went off and wouldn't stop. It was driving me insane, I did call the cops to do something to shut it up! I wanted to kill that damn car!
This is sort of off topic but I read once to keep the remote to your car inside your house close at hand, then if you had prowlers you could sound the alarm from inside the house and either the cops would come (now I doubt that theory hehe) or you would scare the bejeesus out of the prowler. Another thing, a lady at a local shopping center saved herself and her child by using the remote while a guy was trying to shove her inside her car for a hijacking. True story. No, I dont hear that many car alarms here in the sticks. :-)
I haven't but I do investigate. I live in apartments and it is easy for me to take the garbage out and snoop around. Never saw a problem. We have some very loud pickups and one motorcycle that set alarms off all the time. Of course, if I did meet up with car thieves, I'm sure I'd faint.