What do you think? How has it?
first of all u need make to ur self a program of healthy eating to overcame what u been eating the secret is to burn 1/3 what ever u eat i think ur daily intake was about 1750calories so u need to make it 1500 calories so u will need to burn at least 500 calories per day this can't done in home u don't need to run just walk briskly around ur blocks for an hour .second u need to eat a lot of healthy food like oats and vegetables and fruits and always eat roasted meats and chicken with vegetables and make ur portion small if u still hungry eat fruits but u need walk out of ur home to give the boost and energy and to change ur mood.
pick up a 5 or 10 pound weight at the gym and visualize that weight coming off holding the weight in your hands helps bring home just how heavy even 5 pounds of extra fat can be
I basically agree with the 9 WAYS TO REDUCE WEIGHT WITHOUT EATING LESS that dennis postedOne thing I do disagree with is switching from whole milk to skimI tried that and it wouldn't work for one simple reason: The body needs roughly 30% fat in it's diet (different diets vary, but it's around there)When the body doesn't get it it starts to crave itSince milk is a major source of my daily fat, I found myself drinking 3 times as much reduced fat milk as I did whole milkWhich means I was drinking 3x more callories and having to buy milk 3x fasterRecent research has shown that milk (I believe it's actually the Vitimin D and Calcium in the milk, if I remember corretly) helps in weight loss, so I recommend continuing to drink it, and cut fat from other, less healthy foods.
i've just started trying that special K thing, and if you get the creial insie the box is like, a meal plan with all these healthy meals you can eatYou can do exercises like jogging on the spot (alone in your room watching tv or something, I wouldn't recomend doing that if someone was watching lol) you can also do star jumps as wellIf your trying to eat healthier as well try not to eat too much red meat as it contains alot of fat, and try eating all sorts of vegetables to get different types of nutritionThere's also a vitamin B complex tablet which you can take which can help speed up you metabolism to you burn more fatAnd drink plenty of water, 8 cups a day at leastAnyway, hope i've helped ;)
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