Or have you seen the sun set in the north? Or a circle rainbow with the green on the top? My daughter and I see it every eveningNot everyone can see itWhat is it? I know this has sometning to do with the end of this ageNot the end times or end of the world but, the end of this age.
I faced a similar problem, but with wire on the roof (photovoltaic system), which got even hotterAnd, it was in conduit, so needed to be derated for thatOne solution is to use wire with a higher temperature rating on its insulation, but it will cost MUCH more to get insulation higher than THWN-2The other solution is to go to the next higher wire gauge, and run your calculations againIn my case, 10 copper would have carried my maximum current of 15A, but was iffy considering conduit and temperatures in direct sunlightRunning 8 THWN-2 copper removed all possible objectionsDisclaimer: I'm not an electrician, but the installation did pass inspection.
We see that which is predestined for us to seeMy question to you is, what is your feeling on this new age? What do you expect from it? Certainly all laws can be broken and new scientific discoveries will make illusions that were not possible in our plane of existence before this timeI am glad when someone points out that something might be coming to an end, especially when I am not satisfied with the original existence I am about healing, or I try to beSo if what you expect is about healing changing, yeah! What is it that you predict? I too see changes coming, perhaps you are just trying to find out what to expect Within solid geometry, nanotechnology is gonna revolutionize the way we think and act and communicate within the next 20 - 50 years! Automobiles will become extinct I am toldPeople will travel on atomic carpets and dress in clothing that will keep them healthy and carry devices that analyze health and not live in houses or even shelters, and take elevators to the moon that are made out of particulate matter smaller than 100,000 times smaller than the human hair thickness, and have body analysis and chemo treatments that go to the source of cancer and eradicate it and stop the cells from allowing it to happen on individual case basisOur brains will telecommunicate to other brains, without our lips moving .on a regular basis.won't be much mouthing off then, lol Eventually things will seem like magic, people walking on thin air etcIt will kind of reduce the sense of awe about Biblical miracles, but that is the way I see things, although I have extreme respect for my forefathers and where they brought us to at this point.
You need wire with insulation that is rated for the maximum temperature is will be subjected toThe actual temperature will be the ambient plus the temperature rise due to power loss in the wire.