I just did here at work, I nudged the fire exit and I guess its really sensative and went off. Thoroughly scareing the crap out of me. It was ok though, it was only for that section of the building and didn't send any firemen or anything.Have you ever set off the alarm before?
There are two ways to connect PVC to ABS. You can use threaded adapters. For example: Glue a PVC female threaded adapter to the PVC pipe. Glue an ABS male threaded adapter to the ABS pipe. Then thread them together. You can get a splice connector that uses a rubber o-ring and a threaded clamp.
I suppose it depends on what kind of personal use you used it for and whether it was during your lunch or working hours. If you were surfing for another job or looking at porn. I think there's nothing you can do about it. I also think you would deserve to be fired for it. If you were on lunch and shopping, checking email or bank balance, you could appeal based on the fact you were using it on your own time. However, you did sign an agreement not to use it for personal reasons. I think company's are going over the top about this issue by the way. People will find some way to waste time, if it's not the internet it will be more chatting, day dreaming, longer potty breaks, etc.
Perforated, reflective-coated canvas (or similar material) to be precise. In movie houses, the lighted image you see isn't emitted by the screen. As YYYZZ 2 has mentioned, the light source is at the back of the auditorium, shining through the film or digital image medium, and its beam is focused to carry those images to the screen. The matte-reflective surface of the screen bounces those images back to you, creating the ILLUSION that the screen is a light source. (The perforations are to allow the sound from the theater's main speakers - which are behind the screen - to reach the audience, unmuffled.)