Home > categories > Consumer Electronics > Data Cables > Help! I transferred my critical company files to a new system using an old USB 1.1 cable!! Is the data OK???

Help! I transferred my critical company files to a new system using an old USB 1.1 cable!! Is the data OK???

I realized after the fact that I grabbed an old cable (labeled USB 1.1) and used it at 2.0 speeds! Is it possible I have damaged/corrupted data on the new system now?? (I can't check every single file: as it would take days/weeks). Please advise.


except the cable you purchase got here with software to migrate consumer archives, the move will in elementary words happen by ability of you choosing archives to bypass between the structures. you are able to opt for the archives and reproduction those to the hot gadget, this is not computerized (except you get some software to do it for you and then it relies upon on what the software is designed to bypass).
2.0 is faster than 1.1. That is the ONLY difference.
First of all, thank you, this question made me LOL! Second, your data is fine. The fact that it's USB 1.1 just means it won't go as fast as a USB 2.0 cable. I'm guessing it took longer than normal to do the transfer, correct?
If you got no error, you just made it slower tranferring. You don't check it by hand, you write a short script: Write a script to perform an md5 checksum on each source/target file. compare the output to make sure they give the same answer. Update: Yes. Many cables are rated low but work fine at higher speed. As long as the copy did not notice an error, you are probably okay. But take a backup, for goodness sake. And have someone write the md5 verifier, it can be written in perl in about 30 minutes.

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