I have a cream sofa, it has crayon food stains on ive tried cleaning it with stain remover but it never takes it all off and i cant afford to pay someone to clean it, any suggestions on what might work?
You could try a damp microfiber cloth for the food stains and ironing over an old tshirt for the crayon stains and then a microfiber cloth and rubbing alcohol.
i'm stil attempting to discern a thank you to get odors out permantly with out having to apply the steamer each time. Dont have my very own. yet what i do do to refresh and it does help for a brief together as is while Im completed doing laundry i take the clean out of the dryer , dryer shett, hose down it and rub my sofa down. does help for together as actual with out haveing to moist it reason i'm getting anxious approximately moldy odor
Dump a quart of goat blood on the carpet next to the sofa. I guarantee no one will notice the crayon and food stains. Also, you might want to invest in some coloring books and plates for your children.
Try bleach on an area that doesn't get seen 1st before you tackle the major stained areas
Try using an upholstry foam.... Follow the manufacturer instructions.... Or you can try a little bit of shaving foam not the gel the foam... It's basically concentrated soap... Just try in an inconspicuious area to make sure it doesn't remove the color off the fabric.... For crayons... You can try a warm iron and some paper towels.. Just heat up the iron and iron on top of some absorbant paper towels.... Keep moving the paper towel to blot up the crayon.... It may take afew tries... Don't RUB the crayon BLOT and use a clean portion of the paper towel... *Get a slip cover for you sofa... That way when children are present/company or pets you can SAVE your sofa some wear/tear! Good luck