Home > categories > Consumer Electronics > Data Cables > How can i connect a Xbox 360 Slim hard drive to a Xbox 360 Fat, using a Data Transfer cable?

How can i connect a Xbox 360 Slim hard drive to a Xbox 360 Fat, using a Data Transfer cable?

i have a data transfer cable that accepts Xbox 360 slim HDDs to start off. I have the current update for the Xbox 360 dashboard. I connect the hard drive but the Xbox 360 only recognizes it as a 'data transfer cable' with 167gb of free storage, thats right, but won't let me access profiles, games, etc. HELP!! P.S. My xbox is in for repairs so i bought a core on craigslist for cheap.


you cant
I just took the hard drive apart and there is a chip that you can plug in to the back of the xbox slim. No need to go out and buy a cord. You just need a twarks head screwdriver and yur done pretty much. You can see videos on YouTube because that's what I did. It works just fine.
That is why the name of the product is Transfer Cable because its only made to transfer the data. Its not a plug and play for hard drives
The data transfer cable only lets you transfer data to or from the hard drive. It won't let you use the drive as a memory unit where you can use the data/saves/games that are on it. You could plug in a memory stick / flash drive and transfer some of your games or whatever onto it while your system is being fixed as a workaround.

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