the rear driver side axle is frozen, i checked the diferential and the problem is with the axle bearing. help me please. what do i need?
K N is a much better design.
its a full floating axel so you should just be able to unbolt the 8 bolts at the end of the axel and pull the shaft out. But if your bearings are frozen up that is not going to free up your wheel. good luck
First put the truck on safety stands, remove the axle gear cover, you will need to remove the pin that holds the gears together, so you can push in on the axle and remove a c-clip from the axle then the axle should slide out, if it don't then use a puller slide hammer , you can get one from an auto zone rental store. after you put the slide hammer on it then start sliding the heavy slide and the axle should pop out. When you go back together be sure to use a new axle seal and axle oil. Good Luck and GOD Bless
I don't own a 3500 But the axles if I am not mistaken unbolt and slide out at the hub (8 bolts a paper seal a brass hammer tap -tap and it should slide out ) . But that would only count if it was a duelly of course . If it has a seized bearing at shaft end it may have to be cut with a torch [carefully burning out the bearings only mind you not the shaft or race] . This way you can pull the shaft cut the bearing inner race piece that the shaft rides on with a cutoff tool(die grinder) split it into two carefully to get it off of the axle shaft .Then use a 90 degree die grinder with small cut off wheels to split the outer race carefully in several places for easy removal wash out the axle after all preperation for refit is complete and mic out all mating surfaces to be sure all parts will run at 100% true when reassembled .I am not shure but the bearing might be press fitted to shaft .