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How can I see the water meter stealing water?

How can I see the water meter stealing water?


Check the pipe at the front of the water meter, and if there is a bypass pipe installed, the bypass is installed, so you can bypass the water meter through the bypass pipe to avoid the meter measurement
Appearance: the appearance of water meter should not have abrasions, scratches, cracks and other defects affect the reading and appearance, (in addition to generate new traces in the process of installation and construction in general, joint water meter is not going to produce a new mark).
The first test of water seal is intact, we know that the meter dial is the use of copper dial and case connected in the dial and case are respectively provided with a hole, used to wear seal wire, pressure seal ball. If it is found that the seals and seal wire breakage, prove the water table has demolished the suspect.
If these problems are found, it is possible to have a more covert approach, that is, to use some debris in the water filter network, to reduce the sensitivity of water meters, resulting in water meter error

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