Home > categories > Consumer Electronics > Data Cables > how can i use my cell phone as a modem?i hav t-mobile web plan for $5.99,data cable and motorola phone tools.

how can i use my cell phone as a modem?i hav t-mobile web plan for $5.99,data cable and motorola phone tools.

hi,i have Motorola v360.i saw in its feature i can use it as a modem.i have the t-mobile web plan for $5.99, data cable and Motorola mobile phone tools.can u plz describe me step by step how can i get internet connection in my laptop using my cell phone.its urgent and really necessary. only serious ans plz.thnx-ray


u aint gotta worry bout none
call tmobile
the rizr z3 is actually a pretty solid choice. one other option from tmobile would be the nokia 5300 and since it is a daughter not a son i would suggest the lilac version. it has the exact same features but it has an FM radio and it comes with a free headset and 1 GB micro SD card. the music is far superior and it is one of the best music phones out there. i have the black one and right now tmobile has it for free! i believe that is a really good deal for a really good cell phone!
Connect your phone with the PC. In control panel, select phones and modems. Add new modem. Select to choose your modem manuallyby selecting Don't detect my modem, I will choose from a list. then a list will come. select your possible modem(Or add all shown modems, if you don't have any idea about your phone modem name.) Now driver for the modem will be installed. Create the dial-up connection, select all added modems and enjoy. Best of Luck

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