how do dry chemical extinguishers put out a fire?
Agreeing with top answer. But even with gasoline it still doesn't burn hot enough to fully desintergrate a corpse To fully desiintergrate a corpse you would need a very hot fire around 1000c I think? Or you could use hydrochloric acid to turn the corpse into a messy sludge
Best by what measures? Metallized mylar is probably the most reflective, and cheapest if you can buy it in reasonable quantity. You'd need a way to form it into the appropriate shapes. Aluminum foil is cheap in small quantities because you probably already have it in your kitchen. If you can make a frame of wood, plastic, or cardboard, it's easy to form aluminum foil as a reflector surface. An array of small glass mirrors could be efficient and durable. You need a source for them, and a way to mount them in the appropriate positions. They are the heaviest and likely the most expensive.
You have to order the appropriate roller replacement kit from HP (or CDW) and manually replace all the rollers depending on the printer model.