During this summer I wan't to do a total change of my looks.So, How do I become scene? Makeup, Hair, Clothes, Could I have website links and idea's please? thankyou!:)
WATER. Plenty of it. Food. Warm clothing, if applicable Cellphone
you are funny, fishing for serious answers to a bogus question such as this
Because we are not stupid. We respect our health and are told to take care of ourselves. We are not here to recklessly abandon the gift of life that God has given us! Oh, and it's the law. A lightning rod on top of a church merely shows that Christians know Science, too, even as they respect the power of Nature and the Power behind it: God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth..
In the following order: Water Food Clothes Blanket Money/Valuables/ID Pets and Pet Needs Laptop Pack it up now so when the order comes, you're ready to move within sixty seconds. Good luck!