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how do i clean my skateboard bearings?

im sort of new and got my board at Christmas. it came as a complete board and my friends said i should get new ones but i want to clean them first to make sure i dont need new ones. and if i do what are some good brands and prices for bearings?


Lucky bearings, black panthers, reflex or whatever just get abec 5s or abec 7s and dont pay more than $30 for them because they are all pretty much the same. and for cleaning them, just take them out of the wheel and wipe them really good with windex or whatever you have.
I pooted.......
lucky and reds
to clean them u take a wheel out and wipe them down, and u want to get abec 7 those are the fast abec5 are good, and abec 3 are ****, best company is black panther
u should go really really fast on ur board so the berrings can loosen up. and if u still have ur berring shields on u should take them off it loosens traction makes u go faster (those are solutions to make them faster without buying berring cream) and it depends how fast u want to go. lucky berrings, rushes, and Reds are really good at a decent price) if u want to go real fast and it doesnt matter how much money u got try swiss berrings there like 30$ compared to luckys,reds, and rushes which are 15$

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