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how do i connect two notebooks through cross cable to send data?

I'm a noob at this but this is what have done thus fari have a cross cable,i connect it to the two notebooks,i input the ip in local area connection ie and 192/168.0.2i then go to my network place,entire network,Microsoft window network ,mshomes and then it give error .i then went to run and typed #92;#92; from the other notebook and it give error path not found what am i doing wrong?pls explain from start if u can?


It sounds like you have most everything hooked up correctly, but try this. First make sure you are using a cross-over. If it has a label for a cross-over, great! If it has no label, look at the ends (clip side down), the colors of the tiny wires inside should not be the same on both side (as in not the exact same order), if they are the same, then you have a straight through cable and not a cross over. (The colors of the wires should be something like Orange-White, Orange, Green-white, Blue, Blue-whie, Green, Brown-White, Brown, not necessarily in this order ***The -white means it is usually has a white stripe or a white twist with the color, some cables are hard to see the whites) The ip's you have listed should work. Just for simplicity, make sure the subnets are the same too, Dont worry about using network places. instead, do this. Go, Start/Run/ at the run window type CMD then enter This should give you a dos prompt From the machine type the following at the command prompt ping If it pings then you have a connection to the other machine. If it fails, then check your cable, and make sure you have network lights on both machines. Also make sure the firewall is off on both machines as this can stop pings and possibly stop shared connections. If it does ping, then proceed to the start/run again and type \ (just like you did previously), this should open a window showing the PC and any shared folders. Be aware that on many machines you might have to login or share out the folder from the .2 machine to see it. You can also try using \$ or \$ in the last part, this should open the default share to the respective drives. Good luck
First be sure about the subnet mask ,pls check if it is Check firewall settings. to do so go to start - Run and type ncpa.cpl, right click ur local area connection then click properties,next click the advance tab, then under windows firewall click settings then under general tab select the radio button OFF and click OK - OK If this does not solve the problem then go to a command promt type ping if ping successful .good then ping ur local machines IP address(self address) , if ping successful . OK proceed next if ping is not successful then try upgrade ur lan card driver and if ping is successful then check ur cable and connector Hope ur problem will be solved

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