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How do I get music from my computer onto my Blackberry via the data cable that comes with the Blackberry?

Got a Blackberry Curve 8330 with Sprint, can't figure out how to get my songs from my Limewire library onto my phone via the data cable.can anyone tell me how to do this, as well as how to set these songs as ringtones?


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First, you'll need a memory card. Install the memory card to your blackberry (take out your battery, and there should be a memory card slot right by your sim card). After you put in the memory card, put the battery in and turn on the phone. Plug the phone into your computer and enable the phone to be on mass storage mode (the phone will ask you this when you plug it in). go to My computers-removable device G-Blackberry and once you get past the blackberry folder, there should be four folders: Music, Pictures, Ringtones and Videos. If you want the music on your phone as music tracks, drag the music file into the music folder. If you want it to be a ringtone, drag it into a ringtone folder. Once your done, wait a minute or two for the phone to finish loading the data, and unplug it. go to your media player, and the music and ringtones should appear. good luck!

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