The model is HM_2.. The thread is 4. The button is striking the glass. How do you take the indicator light?
SECCO fire alarm button type HM-2This is online the signal equipment, such as the title, this type of equipment is commonly known as the alarm button at the hand, the device comes with a conventional telephone interface, the connection mode for 4 wire, 2 for signal line, telephone line 2.If the LZ determines your equipment for fire hydrant, 4 wire cutting, estimation is the old standard, directly from the pump line is not set, the device is also non encoding, a twisted pair is connected in series with universal input module, a twisted pair for 24V power line switch, in linkage state by input and output control module 24V light indicator.
Four lines only two signal lines as two as back light line connection method is: two terminals after knocking button for a signal line connected to the closed state of the control, the other two terminals answer indicator on ok. However, this method requires fire master to do logical relationship, break hydrant button linkage, start fire pump. I hope I can help you.
The specific type of equipment you use is not clear to me, but wear four lines, have the direct button to start the pump, and answer yes, but there is no signal to the fire control.