My alarm went off about two, three months ago and I reseted it. However, since then it started beeping every 10 second or so. I have pushed the reset button about 1000 times but it kept on going. I am at a point that I am actually getting used to the sound but sometimes I still noticed it and it annoys so much.Anyone has the experience? How do I stop it?
It means that no one knows the nature of reality any more. No one is answering you because no one knows. The mystery has deepened. It is all a puzzle wrapped in an enigma. Every moving object has its own time. There's this great mysterious constant: the speed of light. Quantum physics shows us matter popping in and out of existence, quantum entanglement.. What's it all mean? Nobody knows It just flashed into my mind.. it's a bit like a great team of lilliputian doctors and scientists probing and dissecting and analysing, exploring, testing, the dead body of gulliver in hopes of finding out what makes him tick :)
That is 'special relativity'. There is also 'general relativity', which is about mass curving space time like a ball on a rubber sheet, but I don't know much about that. In special relativity, the most important thing to notice is that however fast you think you're moving, if you measure the speed of some light, it will appear to go at c, the speed of light. Originally they thought there might be something called the 'ether', an imaginary thing that light moved to. If you fired off light at c towards other light coming towards it at c, they would be going towards each other at 2c, right? WRONG! They go towards each other at c. Weird, huh?! Eg if you're at a car going at 0.5c, and you turn on the lights, you would see the light moving away from you at c. You might expect someone who was standing 'still', outside the car, to measure the light and think it's going at 1.5c, but they don't! They measure it going at c too! Special relativity is basically a load of maths that makes this work. For this to work, you find that as you go faster, distances seem to shrink, times seem to get longer and your mass seems to increase. What this also tells you, is that there's no absolute 'frame of reference'. A 'frame of reference' is just a moving view of the universe. For example, if you're in a train which is moving, you can look at it two ways: either the Earth is moving and the train is still, in the 'frame of reference' of the train. Or the Earth is still and the train is moving in the 'frame of reference' of the Earth. 'It's all relative'. Other people handled Emc^2, so I'll ignore that. :)
Matter is condensed energy. All the sub-atomic particles (protons, neutrons, electrons, etc. are all pure energy). Analogy: Energy is the bricks, matter is the building. The equation tells you how much energy it takes to make a certain mass of matter. The fission bombs dropped on Japan gave off roughly 25 kilotons of TNT worth of energy. That is the conversion of roughly 1 gram of matter to energy
I believe, in the words of Canada's former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation. He was a Roman Catholic too, believe it or not. I am disturbed that a government in the 21st century would seek to limit a woman's access to birth control. I would also like to point out that men who try to limit a woman's access to birth control and try to shame them for seeking it out are really just messing things up for themselves in the end. After all, unless she actively is trying to have a baby, your average woman is not going to be having unprotected sex. These men must really love condoms or being celibate. Zestfully Clean: Thanks for the extra details. What is getting communicated where I am does not indicate that this is just about the insurance plans of religious organizations with employees, but that anyone who is putting together an insurance plan for their company, can decide that their plan is going to no longer cover birth control because they don't like it. I can understand a religious organization choosing not to offer it as presumably those who work for that organization have chosen to abide by the practices of that religious organization (or at least accept them for the purposes of work) but I think it oversteps the bounds of freedom of religion if the CEO of Corporation A that makes widgets decides that their company will not provide coverage for birth control because it is against that CEOs religious beliefs. That is what is being implied by what I have been hearing.
In the equation, E mc^2, m mo/sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2) where mo mass of an object, v speed of the object So E mo*c^2/sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2) This equation means that if an object of mass mo is moving with speed v, then it has energy E, which is given by the above formula. If you put v0 in that equation, then you will find E mo * c^2 So if an object of mass mo is at rest, then it has energy mo * c^2. Thus, E mc^2 talks about the equivalence between mass and energy. Let me talk about some application. In many nuclear reactions, the total mass after reaction is less than the total mass before reaction. Suppose there is difference in mass of dm. Then there is difference in energy of dm * c^2 if dm is at rest or dm * c^2/sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2) if moving with speed v. For simplicity, let us consider the situation of rest. So we saw there is less energy of dm*c^2. But how is it possible? Energy cannot be destroyed. So what happens to that energy? Answer is that earlier dm * c^2 was in the form of mass. After nucleus reaction, it got converted into another form of energy. c is speed of light, which is very large. c^2 is still larger. That is why even for small value of dm, the value of dm * c^2 is very large. In nuclear bombs, this balance energy of dm*c^2 is mostly converted into heat. That is why so much of heat is generated from nuclear bombs. In stars, the energy is in the form of heat and light. That is why stars are so hot and they shine so much.