The rear wiper motor on my vehicle went bad (lucky me!) and I took the route to replace it myself to save on higher costs elsewhere. I have succeeded as far as taking all the inner fasteners off (that attached the motor on the inside) and the nut that holds the wiper arm to the rear windshield. I am having trouble from there. The wiper arm will not remove. Is there something special I have to do to get the wiper arm to budge and come off? What are the rest of the steps, moving forward, so that I can separate the wiper arm from the old motor in order to replace it with a new one? Please help!
it's easier to just stay home on rainy days.
bending it might help a little, but it sounds like the internal spring has sprung and not keeping it against the window. It is inside the window arm
There are special tools to remove the wiper arm. Since you don't have one, neither do I. I usually do this: 1. Spray penetrating oil on top of wiper arm where it sit in the motor shaft. 2. Install the nut back on the shaft a couple of threads, leave a space between the nut and wiper arm. 3. Take pair of pliers and place the jaws under the wiper arm and on top of nut and squeeze. Might have to do this at different spot until the arm comes loose. Large pliers will work easier.